Рассмотрение документов по международной стандартизации
ISO/NP 6398-1 «Petroleum and natural gas industries – Submersible linear motor systems for artificial lift – Part 1: Submersible linear motors»
ISO/WD PAS 24565 «Petroleum and natural gas industries – Ceramic lined tubing»
ISO/TR 13624-2:2009 «Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Part 2: Deepwater drilling riser methodologies, operations, and integrity technical report»
ISO/DIS 23936-1 «Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production. Part 1: Thermoplastics»
ISO/DIS 6368 «Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Dry gas sealing systems for axial, centrifugal, and rotary screw compressors and expanders»
ISO/DIS 3421 «Petroleum and natural gas industries – Drilling and production equipment – Offshore conductor design, setting depth, and installation»
ISO/DIS 13704 «Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Calculation of heater-tube thickness in petroleum refineries»